

My Baby is One!

It has been a pretty eventful last few days.  My baby girl turned one and we had her 2, yes 2 birthday parties.  Can we all say spoiled :)  We had her a day care party and then we had her a party for everyone that has been along on the journey from the beginning to she how much she has grown up.

Along with Ms. Lizzy turning one comes a lot of new territory I am about to be introduced to.  She has already inducted me into the hall of major fit throwing where she is determined to have her way and crawl away while I am changing her.  She has also decided lately that she wants to spend longer than 10 minutes in the bath even when the water is getting cold. 

She is moving up at the day care to the toddler class and I am sure the kids in her class are going to be kind enough to introduce her to all sorts of things such as biting, hitting and pinching.  I will just have to go with the flow and handle those things as they come along.


WOW, A Year has Almost passed

I cannot believe it has been a year since God has given me the greatest gift bestowed upon a woman.  I have been blessed the past year with Elizabeth in my life and the year has seemed to fly by.  I have shared so many moments and memories with her that I can't wait to share with her when she is older.  She recently started laughing at things and showing her father and I how much of a personality she is really going to have.  My favorite moments are when she wakes up in the morning and I get to see that cute smile on her face and she reaches for me.  I will have to admit I still baby her way more than I should, but I think to an extent all parent's do that even well beyond the years of being a baby and toddler.

In just 2 days I will be helping her blow out a candle and perhaps starting a birthday tradition she her father and I can share with her for years to come.


Where has the time gone...

One week from today Elizabeth is going to no longer be a baby, but entering the fun toddler zone.  While this is exciting for her it breaks my heart to know that my baby will no longer be a baby.  Have you seen that commercial where the dad is schooling his daughter on driving and hands her the keys and from his view shes still a little girl but when it snaps to current day she looks about 16? I guess that is how we will always see our kids. 

I am loving how active she is now and how much she is learning everyday.  I am looking forward to all that she will be doing now that she is extremely mobile, but I sure do wish time would slow down a little.  I think what really hit me is when I went to put a 12 month onesie on her the other day and it was a little tight on her. I am sure this is one of many stages I will go through as a mom and I will overcome all of them and look back at how much she has grown.


Walking and Birthday Excitement

Elizabeth is finally starting to walk! She walked across the living room this weekend and what made it even cuter is that she did it on her tip toes.  I am so proud of my baby girl.  I think she will officially be walking by her birthday. 

My husband and I finally sent out her invitations for her first birthday which was exciting and overwhelming all at the same time.  I knew it was going to be tough watching her grow up so quickly, but I had no idea just how hard it would be knowing my family is missing so much!  Telling them what Lizzy is doing and them seeing it is two different things.  I am so very thankful for Skype.

I also got some news today that my brother is going to get married soon and I am hoping that I don't miss out on this special event.  I am hoping we can fly home as a family, but if Lizzy and I can make it that would be great.


Ah Spring Break and Sleep...

A week into my spring break and I have gotten some much needed rest.  I am still letting baby girl sleep with me, but I am starting to let her sleep in her crib as well.  I know it is going to be a process, but I'm getting there. 

Back to work next week and I am determined to start a work-out program next week as well.  I am going to try to share my journey to weight loss as it happens. 


Feeling Better and BREAK...

I am happy to report that Lizzy is feeling much much better, but since she got sick last week she has been super clingy and fussy whenever I leave her sight. I was getting use to the idea of my baby girl being a little independent and doing her own thing, but now I have to teach her how to do that again. 

Spring break starts for me today which mean extra time with Lizzy.  I am excited about having a little time off even though I have only been back to work for a little over a month. I am sure I will report back early to plan lessons and organize my classroom. 


A Sick Baby ='s a Guilty Feeling and Regret sometimes

Monday night was spent at the ER with my baby girl.  The outcome of our visit was that Elizabeth has Pneumonia.  At first all I could do was cry because I immediately felt like it was my fault since I have her in daycare.  The doctor made sure to tell me that it's because she is in daycare and not to feel bad because it's common for baby's to have this their first few years of life and did that make me feel any better, of course not!

I was angry with the parents at first because of course one of them dropped their kid off sick and made my baby girl sick, but what I read online quickly changed my mind about that.  I read that pneumonia actually isn't contagious and that it usually develops from a cold which my baby keeps from being at daycare.

After spending the day with Elizabeth yesterday I knew that her being in daycare is very beneficial, but it still does not take away my guilt and regret that I'm not a stay at home mom and able to spend more time with Elizabeth. 

My husband, being the stand up guy he is, went to McDonald's this morning to get me coffee because he knew how I was feeling about having to take Elizabeth to daycare and the that I hardly slept last night out of the fear of something happening to Lizzy while she slept.  He also was unable to take today off and I am sure he feels a little regret about that as well. 

I have 2 weeks of work off coming up soon and I am definitely going to spend that time with Elizabeth and showing her all the love and attention I can!